Mother Chaos

The Mother Chaos is an analog-voiced digital delay with modulation, utilizing the ubiquitous PT2399 delay chip. Designed to excel as an ambient and atmospheric delay, sounds can also range from a standard delay to even a pseudo-chorus.
LEVEL - Controls output volume of the delay signal. The dry signal remains unaffected.
TIME - Controls the length of time between delay repeats. The maximum time available is roughly 500ms while the minimum time available is 30ms. Longer delay times will introduce some white noise while shortest delay times can create chorus-like sounds.
FEEDBACK - Controls the amount of repeats of the delay signal. Minimum feedback will create a single repeat while oscillation will start to occur at roughly 3 o’clock.
RATE - Controls the rate of delay time modulation, with slow speeds at minimum and fast speeds at maximum.
DEPTH - Controls the amount of delay time modulation, with no modulation at minimum and exaggerated depth at maximum.
CHAOS - Momentary switch to cause oscillation while the switch is held. The onset and intensity of oscillations can be controlled using the ENTROPY internal trimmer.
ENTROPY - Internal trimmer that sets the onset and intensity of oscillation for the CHAOS switch. At max, oscillations will occur quickly while at minimum the repeats will sit just on the edge of oscillation.
INPUT - Internal trimmer that sets the input level for the dry signal and the signal going into the delay. Can be used to tame high output guitars or to increase delay response.
OUTPUT - Internal trimmer that sets the output level for the dry and wet signal. Use this to adjust levels to unity to match the INPUT settings.
TONE - Internal trimmer that controls the filtering of the repeats, from bright at minimum and dark at maximum.
Use 9v center-negative DC power only, preferably from a regulated and isolated power supply for best noise performance. Current draw is less than 100mA.